The Best Roasted Beet Salad

This Best Roasted Beet Salad recipe is one easy way to enjoy beets and reap their nutrition benefits in a delicious side dish.

I recently picked up the book Flavor Bible, which has been an amazing read and resource when I’m stumped with recipe development. Beets have always been a tricky vegetable to create recipes around—partly because I’m not a huge fan of their flavor and partly because of the texture.

All that to say, after reading the chapter on which flavors go with beets best, I felt inspired to whip up this super simple salad that obviously tastes great! To start, you’ll wash, peel and roast the beets in olive oil with sea salt and pepper. Roasting beets helps bring out the sweetness compared to when you eat them raw it’s very earthy.

The base of the salad is the best component in my opinion. Endive gives this salad a super crunchy and sturdy bite along with a slightly bitter flavor which bounces off the roasted beets so well. In addition to these two, you’ll make a simple dijon mustard vinaigrette with fresh thyme, garlic, shallots, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. The salad is finished when you top it off with crunchy and tart pomegranate seeds, voila!

In making this salad, there are a couple of tricks to it. If you plan to make it ahead of time to serve later, I recommend storing the beets tossed in the dressing separately, then upon serving adding fresh endive leaves to the mix.

Another way you can make this if you’re planning ahead several days in advance by just roasting the beets is to leave all components of this dish stored in separate containers (i.e. beets, dressing, endive) and then toss them together upon serving.

The post The Best Roasted Beet Salad appeared first on Nutrition Stripped.


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