NS Society Monthly class is about habits, support, and accountability.
Making lasting change, routines, and accomplishing goals take practice and small steps to creating new habits.
We’re two months into the New Year and were overwhelmed with questions from the NS Society members about how to continue to stay on track, how to find support with their family and friends, and one member as a new mom asks how to take the time to take care of herself.
In this NS Society Monthly Class McKel answers…
Melissa asked: I feel like I don’t have any support with my new goals that I’m trying to add to my life – how do I stay strong and motivated?
Jamie asked: I went on vacation and now all my habits and goals are gone! How do I get back on track?
Sarah asked: I have so many negative habits like sleeping with the TV on which I know I’m not supposed to do, mindless snacking late at night, and drinking heavily on the weekends when I’m out with friends. I feel like I should do better and don’t know where to start.
Jen asked: I have all these goals I want to accomplish but I have no idea how to start and now it just feels too overwhelming. What plan I can follow?
Alicia asked: I have a really stressful job, I’m a new mom, and caretaker of another family member. I’m feeling so overwhelmed and have no time for myself. How do I real my goals of weight loss to my pre-pregnancy weight?
Remember, as a member of the NS Society, you can submit your questions, topics, and coaching questions here.
Also, be sure to check your inbox with news on new features!
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