Bite-Sized Brain Food: 5 Sites to Learn New Things in Short and Fun Ways

Documentaries lasting less than a minute. Podcast episodes of just 60 seconds. Animated infographics to explain complex subjects. Here’s where you can learn more about the world in quick capsules of engaging knowledge.

In an era of short attention spans and 280 character updates, even learning needs to be in tiny doses. That’s why there are content creators who specialize in making informational and entertaining pieces that take almost no time in our busy lives. From mini-documentaries of fascinating people and subjects to social media guides on trending topics, give your mind some bite-sized brain food to chew on.

1. 60 Second Docs (Web): Profiles of Interesting People and Topics in 60 Seconds

Got a minute? 60 Second Docs has a cool story to tell you about an interesting person, and in turn, a cool subject. Each documentary is just 60 seconds in length, but it covers the best things you need to know about the topic.

The coolest part is that 60 Second Docs focuses on profiles of real people, instead of concepts or trends. Usually, that person is doing something unique, whether it’s starting a new trend, exploring a new topic, or pushing the boundaries in some way. By making it about the person, not only do you get more insight into the human aspect of the unique subject, but it also feels more real and emotional.

All the 60 Second Docs are available on their YouTube channel or social media handles. It’s a good idea to follow them on any social network you frequent, watching every new video in its entirety whenever they post an update.

If you like longer documentaries, then check the Official Selection page on the 60 Second Docs website. Here, the editors pick 10-20 minute documentaries that others have shot, on subjects that they think you should be watching.

2. So You Want To Talk About (Instagram): Mini Guides to Political and Social Topics

Who knew that in a world of influencer selfies and brand-promoted hashtags, Instagram would provide a platform to educate? So You Want To Talk About (Sywtta) uses the multiple-image posts formats of Instagram to create mini-guides about political and social topics.

The subjects Sywtta picks usually deal with trending topics like student loan cancellation, black rights and history, logical fallacies, COVID-19 vaccines, and much more. Each slide uses beautifully formatted typography to educate you about the subject, and moreover, every slide is like a mini-lesson in itself. Each guide becomes a quick and informative crash course, without being too heavy with data.

At a time when you need to be vigilant about biased or fake news, it’s also important to note the philosophies of what you’re reading. When it comes to politics, Sywtta propagates the views of progressive and left-wing policies.

3. 60-Second Science (Podcast): Short Audio Explanations of Science, Health, and Technology

If you prefer to listen to your information than read or watch, check out the 60-Second Science podcast. Made by the team at Scientific American, this daily podcast touches on topics in science, medicine, and technology, and explains one topic in a short burst. While it no longer restricts itself to the minute-long time limit, each episode is still under five minutes.

Each podcast has different hosts from the Scientific American team, covering topics like COVID, animals and birds, DNA and medicine, environmental science, etc. They enjoy high production values, incorporating real-world sounds about the point of discussion and often adding voice clips from experts.

To browse the archives of past episodes, head to the 60-Second Science official website. Here, you can filter the episodes by topic (health, mind, sustainability, tech, the sciences). If you don’t want information in short bursts, try out the full-length Science Talk podcast.

4. Animagraffs (Web): High-Quality Animated Infographics to Explain Things

How does cryptocurrency work? What are the ins and outs of auto insurance? How do you do a moonwalk? Designer and animator Jacob O’Neal breaks complex topics into simple explanations and draws high-quality animated infographics to illustrate them.

Animagraffs is a collection of short explanations through visual guides, using animated GIFs. Jacob uses a variety of design techniques, like cross-sectional views to illustrate every part of an instrument, or large images with moving parts where you can zoom in and out like Google Maps. Each style suits the subject you’re learning about.

The subjects have a wide range too, including how a cheetah runs, how electric cars work, how a speaker makes sound, and so on. You should also check out the “Client Work” section, where Jacob showcases paid assignments for brands. Don’t worry, even though they’re ads, they are nonetheless informative and fun.

5. Great Big Story (YouTube): Fascinating and Interesting True Short Documentaries

Great Big Story wrapped up operations at the end of 2020, but not before leaving five years worth of delightful short documentaries. Dive into the archives to find roughly 5-minute videos on a range of interesting topics and fascinating people from around the world.

From a movie playing in an Indian theater for 24 years to the amazing Turkish ice cream that doesn’t melt, each short video is a high-quality and well-researched look at the subject. In a change from most other such videos, Great Big Story’s video creators often travel the world to put themselves in the middle of the story. Sort by most popular, or use the various custom playlists recommended by the creators.

On the channel, you’ll also find some longer videos, about 10 to 15 minutes in length. These are usually lists and compilations, which include a few clips from the shorter videos. If you have the time to find out more about the world around us, you can’t go wrong with these. Even after pulling down its shutters, Great Big Story is one of the most fascinating and educational channels on YouTube.

Use Drip Learning to Conquer Large Subjects

These websites and podcasts focus on turning each new subject into a compact and entertaining package of information. It’s a nice way to learn new things in small bites. But you can also apply the same philosophy to learning about more complex and larger subjects.

Increasingly, drip learning or microlearning is a popular way of getting an education. By receiving bite-sized lessons every day, you can tackle topics like programming, design, app development, product management, and more. A quick web search should help you find a drip-learning version of whatever you’re looking to educate yourself in.


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