The Pros and Cons of Getting a Keyboard Cover for Your MacBook

The keyboard is one of the most important components of your MacBook. While you also use the trackpad or probably connect a mouse to your device, the keyboard allows you to type, place commands, and perform functions.

Many people buy keyboard protectors to protect their Mac from damage. However, others simply put them on for aesthetic purposes.

Do you really need a keyboard protector for your MacBook, though? Below are things to consider if you’re planning to get one.

What Is a Keyboard Cover?

A keyboard cover is a thin material made of either plastic, polyurethane, or silicone placed on top of a computer or a laptop keyboard. They are molded to fit onto keyboards with thicknesses ranging from 0.12mm to 2mm.

Related: What Is a Magic Keyboard?

Small crevices on Apple’s keyboard design can easily trap dirt, crumbs, and dust. Thus, these accessories aim to put a layer of protection between you and the keyboard, along with the hardware underneath it.

Reasons Why You Should Get a Keyboard Cover

Below are several reasons why you should consider getting a keyboard cover for your MacBook.

1. To Protect Your Keyboard From Dirt and Minor Spills

Most people buy MacBooks because you can bring them wherever you go. The downside to that is that this exposes them to more dirt, spillage, and accidents.

While keyboard protectors can’t protect your Mac from major spills, which will likely penetrate through other areas like the trackpad and ports, they can protect your keyboard from minor ones, including splashes and drops of water.

If you enjoy eating while using your Mac or doing other things that might put dirt on your hands, protectors do a good job keeping crumbs, dirt, and oil out of the crevices.

2. To Tune Down Keyboard Clicks

The material acts as a sound insulator that dampens the various unwanted sounds that MacBooks can make. Of course, this is bad news if you enjoy the crisp keyboard clicks.

But if you are wary about those around you who might be irritated with the noise or if you have to work in the wee hours of the night with a sleeping roommate, this might be a good reason to get one.

3. It’s Easier to Clean

While you can use compressed air to spray out the stuck debris on the crevices, having a keyboard cover makes cleaning much easier. You simply take it off, soak it in a bit of soapy water, air dry, and put it back on your MacBook nice and clean.

Related: How to Clean Your Keyboard and Sterilize Viruses and Bacteria

4. It Protects Your Keyboard From Wear and Tear

If you want to keep your keyboard in pristine condition, having a keyboard protector prevents your keyboard from wearing. It can protect from texture wear and delamination, which causes the backlight to show through.

5. It’s Aesthetically Pleasing

Having a keyboard protector can make be eye-candy on your Mac. Most covers come in various styles. Some have solid colors, while others are in gradients. Others still have larger prints to help people who have vision problems.

6. It Doesn’t Cause Overheating

Many people worry that using keyboard covers will block the vents and cause their MacBook to overheat. However, a MacBook’s vent is found on the hinges of the screen, not under the keyboard keys. So using a keyboard protector won’t lead to overheating.

Downsides of Using a Keyboard Cover

Below are some things you need to consider before buying a keyboard cover.

1. It Leaves a Mark on Your Screen

Some keyboard protectors are thick and sit high on the keyboard, reaching the screen when the MacBook lid is closed. This leads the oils and dirt from the protector to transfer onto the screen.

The good thing is these smudges usually come off quickly after a few wipes with a damp cloth. Also, most thin covers are thin enough not to reach the screen.

2. It Reduces Tactile Feedback

Typing with a keyboard protector can take some time to get accustomed to. Thicker keyboard protectors might reduce the keyboard’s responsiveness and affect your typing speed and overall typing experience.

3. It Can Damage Your Screen

Most MacBooks have a thin design that allows for very little clearance between the Retina display and the keyboard.

Thick keyboard covers may not only interfere with MacBooks closing properly, but they may even damage the delicate display.

4. It Can Obscure the Keyboard’s Backlight

Some keyboard protectors have letters and symbols printed on the cover but are not transparent, stopping the keyboard’s backlight from passing through. This can make typing difficult at night.

Should You Get a Keyboard Cover?

MacBook computers do not come cheap. Because of this, many people want to preserve their condition by buying accessories like keyboard protectors.

Buying a keyboard protector depends largely on your preferences and lifestyle. However, consider quality, comfort, ease of use, and aesthetics if you’re planning to get one.

If you’re looking for crumb protection or a unique design, then keyboard covers are definitely the way to go.

But If you’re concerned about preserving the condition of your Mac, you might be better off avoiding a cover in case it damages your screen. Instead, just take care to keep food and water away from your MacBook.


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