Netflix Will Likely Start Streaming Video Games in 2022

For a while now, there have been rumors circulating about Netflix expanding into streaming video games as well. Now, some recent hiring decisions and a new report seem to provide more evidence that Netflix will start streaming video games in 2022.

Netflix Might Offer Video Game Streaming As Well

There have been plenty of rumors that Netflix might offer video game streaming in the future. The company itself even teased its move into “interactive entertainment”. In a recent earnings call Netflix even explained that it has “no doubt games are going to be an important form of entertainment”.

A new report from Bloomberg provides more insight into this rumor. 

According to the report, Netflix recently hired former game development exec at Oculus and EA, Mike Verdu. The move to hire such a notable game developing executive, perfectly tees up Netflix’s move into the area itself. What’s more, the report details that Netflix will continue expanding its gaming team in the coming months, so it can start offering game streaming.

Netflix has previously released video games based on its content for mobile devices and consoles. It has even released game-like interactive shows such as Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. However, the report explains that Netflix’s proposed will be available on the existing platform, under a separate category. Reportedly, game streaming will not require an additional subscription.

It’s unclear what format Netflix’s game streaming would take. The streaming platform may develop its own games exclusively available on the platform, or may offer existing third-party games on the platform.

Of course, all this information simply points to Netflix offering game streaming. Nothing has been confirmed nor denied by the streaming platform itself.

When Might Netflix Offer Video Game Streaming?

In the report, Gurman, an often accurate source of rumors, explained that Netflix will be ready to offer its game streaming “within the next year”. That’s quite a broad timescale in which Netflix could branch into the new area, so let’s take a deeper dive.

Netflix already hosted its annual investor meeting in June. This meeting is typically where the streaming platform announces its most significant changes, including new show release dates. Since this event has already taken place in 2022, it would make sense for Netflix to announce video game streaming at the 2022 event. That’s also within Gurman’s timeline.

Related: Netflix Announces Its First “Geeked Week” for Fans of Its Shows

It’s true that Netflix does host quarterly investor calls as well, so it is possible Netflix could announce game streaming then. However, this seems unlikely as video game streaming would be a big announcement, more appropriate for the larger call.

Netflix Is Branching Out Into More Forms of Entertainment

Netflix already holds the status as the largest streaming platform for movies and TV. A move into game streaming would only make sense for the company.

When or how the streaming platform would offer video game streaming remains a mystery, but we hope to find out soon.


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