Report: The Xbox Game Pass May Be Headed for Android TV

The Xbox Game Pass is a fantastic way to unlock a lot of games for a monthly price, and Microsoft has been hard at work bringing the app to as many devices as possible. Now, a keen-eyed Redditor has spotted evidence that Microsoft’s gaming service may make its way onto Android TV.

Android TV: A Potential New Platform for the Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft has said nothing on if it wants to bring the Xbox Game Pass to the Android TV or not. The company has hinted that it does want the app on as many devices as possible (including stating that it’s open to bringing Project xCloud to the Nintendo Switch) but that’s the extent of Microsoft’s claims.

Now, an eagle-eyed Redditor has spotted potential proof that Microsoft is bringing the Xbox Game Pass to Android TV. Over on the unofficial Android TV subreddit, user u/el_gonz87 posted a thread called “Latest Game Pass apk has an Android banner built into it!

The post doesn’t mince words:

Just ripped the latest Game Pass APK updated via Google Play Store from my android tablet and to my surprise it had an Android TV banner built into it… Seems we may get Game Pass officially on Android TV very soon!

Users in the thread expressed hope that the Xbox Game Pass app will arrive on Android TV, with one even claiming that it may be the tipping point for them buying a Chromecast with the service on it.

Will the Xbox Game Pass Appear on Android TV?

Before you rush out and get a Chromecast, it’s worth noting that the tech industry sees these kinds of leaks all the time. Sometimes the leaks uncover a feature that the developer is actually working on, which is released or officially announced not long after. However, sometimes the leaks find materials used in testing or research which have since been abandoned, but the files are left undeleted.

As such, this discovery is by no means definitive proof that Microsoft is bringing the Xbox Game Pass to Android TV. There’s a chance that the company was toying with the idea, then scrapped it for some reason without deleting the assets. However, it is equally possible that these assets are in preparation for things to come, and that Microsoft does intend to forge on with the idea of the Xbox Game Pass on Android TV.

As such, as annoying as it is, the only thing we can do now is sit and wait. This leak has given a small glimmer of hope for Android TV users, but it’ll be nothing more than a glimmer until Microsoft finally confirms or denies the feature’s existence.

Does the Android TV Have a Pass for the Xbox Game Pass?

There’s no definitive proof that the Xbox Game Pass will make its way onto Android TV, but there are hints that it may happen. All we can do now is wait and see if Microsoft decides to go ahead with its plan.

If you haven’t signed up to the Xbox Game Pass yet, Microsoft has been really spoiling its fans lately. For instance, subscribers can now get four months of Spotify Premium for free.


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