Opera Update Makes It Easier to Sync Between PC and Android

Very few people only use one device to browse the internet. Most of us have tablets, phones, and PCs connected to the internet.

Opera, one of the more popular browsers out there, is making it easier to switch between different devices with version 60 on Android and version 71 on PC.

The latest update will make it so Android users can jump back and forth between a PC and Android device without any effort.

Opera Improves Sync Between Android Devices and PCs

The new Opera on Android is coming with a redesigned Sync feature. Now, you can start syncing data between devices with a straight-forward QR code scan. This feature will let you use the QR code to sync Opera on an Android device with Opera on a Windows, macOS, or Linux PC.

To take advantage of the new features, you simply need to navigate to opera.com/connect on the non-Android device and then scan the code with Opera for Android.

Once connected, you’ll be able to use the updated Sync feature to synchronize all of your passwords, bookmarks, speed dials, typed browsing history, and open tabs.

There are no logins required to make Sync work, which might make it the easiest way to move data across multiple devices. On that, Stefan Stjernelund, Product Manager of Opera for Android said, “Opera was the first browser to offer sync between mobile and desktop browsers 13 years ago. Today we’re taking a big step forward by making it easier than ever.”

Other Opera Browser Changes

Outside of the improvements to Sync, Opera is also adding its popular Flow feature to Android. It is designed to make it so you can share files, links, YouTube videos,

photos, and personal notes with yourself quickly and easily across devices.

Another cool new feature coming to Android is called Suggested Sites. The new feature will let the browser display a user’s most-used websites just below the traditional speed dial section, making it easier to find sites you visit all the time.

Source: makeuseof.com

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