Learn How to Code in a Fun and Interactive Manner | MakeUseOf

People use all sorts of resources when learning code—books, online courses, tutorials, and more. While most online courses do have some interactive exercises to master code, some focus heavily on practice, which we believe is the best method.

Becoming a programmer requires a ton of practice, solving code challenges, and working on several small projects. Learning by doing is at the center of the coursework in the interactive learning to code bundle. Let us explore what this bundle offers.

What’s in the Bundle?

The nine-course bundle offers a comprehensive e-learning package covering SQL, Javascript, PHP, CSS, Python, Java, Solidity, Bootstrap, and jQuery. Here are the details of the bundle:

  1. An Interactive SQL Tutorial for Beginners: SQL has its applications in various contexts like finance, data analysis, scientific computing, web development, and more. You’ll learn everything from scratch and build vital skills with interactive exercises.
  2. An Interactive Javascript Course for Beginners: Javascript is pretty much everywhere on the web, and that’s not likely to change any time soon. You’ll learn the core javascript functions and build dynamic content for the web with hands-on exercises.
  3. Interactive jQuery Tutorial — Learn jQuery Step-by-Step: This course will show you how to use jQuery by applying it on a website. You’ll learn how to tap into jQuery methods, libraries, and event handlers to make website interactive.
  4. Learn PHP Basics in an Interactive and Fun Manner: Each lecture in this course contains a bit of theory and explain the basics step-by-step. But you’ll get to apply the theory in simple tasks to practice and learn PHP as you go.
  5. Master Python Fundamentals the Fun Way: Python syntax is readable. While learning them is easy, applying the syntax takes practice. Each lesson in this course will lay the basic foundation and help develop practical applications and projects.
  6. A Responsive Web Design Course — Creating a responsive website: If you know the basics of HTML and CSS, this course will show you how to make your website mobile-friendly to fit a screen of any size.
  7. Bootstrap Tutorial — Create Dynamic Websites in a Pinch: Bootstrap is a front-end component library to create dynamic websites. You’ll learn a bit of theory and build a website step-by-step. There are exercises on grids, elements, Bootstrap CDN, and responsive page layouts.
  8. An Interactive Java Tutorial — Learn by Practice: The course will teach you the fundamentals with live examples and storyline to understand how to code in Java by using its unique syntax. After each section, you’ll get to apply newly gained knowledge in practice.
  9. The Complete Solidity Smart Contract Guide: If you want to work with blockchain technology and the Ethereum platform. With this course, you’ll learn how to write and deploy a Solidity smart contract from scratch.

What You Should Focus On

The interactive courses in this bundle are brought to you by the BitDegree foundation. They offer online training on a wide variety of courses with gamification to enhance the learning experience. You can even get financial support once you complete their course in time.

What we recommend is to pick up any programming language and practice the lessons daily. If you’re just getting started with the programming, here’s a helpful video on how to get started, the best resources, choosing a project, and more.

A Career in Coding Will Always Be in Demand

Learning a particular programming language will always help you in the long run. For example, If you work in a marketing agency, you might want to learn Python, HTML, and CSS.

So get yourself enrolled in the learn to code in an interactive manner and start learning. The deal is available for only $30.

Source: makeuseof.com

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