6 Smart Ways to Save Money on Gaming

Gaming can be an expensive hobby. With consoles costing hundreds of dollars, gaming PCs that can be in the thousands, and new games costing $60 or more, it’s not hard to drop a ton of money if you play a lot.

But there’s good news: gaming doesn’t have to break the bank. Using a few handy strategies will help you save a lot on premium video games.

These ways to save money on gaming will help you spend less money overall, while still enjoying great games.

1. Buy Used Games

This is an obvious one, as long as you have a console that plays physical discs, but it can make a huge difference. If you’re buying a recently released game, you could save $10 or $20 on a newer title. For games that have been out for a while, you could save even more.

Stores like GameStop sell used games, but most of the time they’re only a few dollars less than new games, especially for recently released titles. Places like eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist are all better places to check for used games. You can also try other local ways, like Facebook Marketplace.

Taking this route can require some patience. Recently released games don’t tend to hit the used market quickly, and it takes even longer for their prices to go down to a reasonable level. But this patience can be rewarded with significant savings.

You can also extend pre-owned purchases to buying gaming consoles used. Used game retailers often have good deals on consoles that come bundled with games, and you can also find great deals on owner-to-owner sites like Craigslist.

If you buy from another owner, be sure to test the console before you take it. Don’t buy anything unless you’re sure it works and they’ve reset it to factory defaults.

And Sell Used Games, Too

After you’ve bought and played a used game, it’s a good idea to sell it to someone else if you don’t plan to play it anymore. Not only does this help put money back in your pocket, but it helps other people save money on gaming, too.

The same places where you buy used games are also great places to sell games. You probably won’t make back all the money, but even if you end up paying $20 overall, that’s a great deal on a newer game.

2. Take Advantage of Bundles

While this is mainly for PC players, game bundles are occasionally available for consoles too. The Humble Bundle is a great example: it offers a “pay-what-you-want” model, and you can support charity with part of your purchase.

Check out the /r/GameBundles subreddit to get tips on the best bundle deals; Indie Kings updates its list of game bundles on a regular basis, too.

If you’re looking to buy a new console that’s been around for a while, you can usually find some bundles from retailers that include an extra game or controller. However, you’re usually better off buying a used console from another owner for maximum savings.

3. Watch for Game Deals and Price Drops

If you know where to look, you can find some great offers on games. There are a few sites that keep track of video game sales, like CheapAssGamer, DailyGameDeals, and /r/GameDeals.

For Steam users, the service offers major store-wide deals around times like Christmas and when the seasons change. GOG also has sales on its website. And don’t forget to check IsThereAnyDeal.com, where you can search for deals on any game you’re looking for.

If you desperately want a new game, but can’t pay full price, using a price tracker website is a good idea. PSPrices is a great place for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, and Epic Game Store deals. You can add any games you’re looking for to your wishlist, and the site will email you when the price drops.

For Switch games specifically, Deku Deals is another good service. And Steam players should use SteamDB for this.

4. Get Free Games From Memberships

Both Playstation Plus and Xbox Live Gold offer free games each month with the subscription service. If you’ve subscribed to these anyway because you want to play multiplayer games, this is an extra perk you shouldn’t miss out on.

While these are rarely major games, sometimes they are indie gems or the latest multiplayer game that goes viral (like Rocket League or Fall Guys). It’s worth adding them to your library every month so you always have something new to play.

These subscriptions add more potential for gaming on the cheap, too. PS Plus and Xbox Live offer exclusive sales and increased discounts on their digital stores for subscribers. These might not be cheaper than a physical copy, but are a great way to save if you prefer digital games.

Meanwhile, if you’re a PC player, make sure you check the Epic Games Store every week, as it offers games that are free to keep.

5. Trade Your Old Games for New Ones

When you’re done with a game, you could sell it and hope to get a good price, as we discussed above. However, as another option, you could instead trade it for another game with no cash involved.

That’s what sites like Play ‘N’ Swap and /r/Gameswap are for. Have a look at the forums to find someone who’s looking for what you have, and set up a trade.

People offer trades on Craigslist sometimes, so that’s another good place to look. And if you aren’t having any luck online, try setting up a trading system with your friends. If you both buy one game and then trade when you’re done, you’ll each get to play two games for the price of one. Getting a lot of people involved will make it an even better deal.

We recommend not trading in your games to stores like GameStop. While it does save money, the prices you get are rarely even close to what you can earn by selling your game online or taking advantage of a game-swap website.

If you absolutely can’t wait to get a new game, you could trade in some old ones to bring the cost down. But it’s probably a better idea to sell them and put the cash toward the new game.

6. Try Game Streaming Subscription Services

You can save a lot of money by waiting to buy games until they drop in price months later. But if you want to play the latest titles right away, a cost-effective way to do this is with game streaming subscription services.

On console, your main choices are Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Now. Game Pass is superior in a lot of ways, as it gets Xbox-published titles on their day of release and is available on both Xbox consoles and PC. For $10 a month, you can enjoy dozens of top titles, for the price of just two AAA games at launch over the course of a year.

You’ll lose access to the games if your subscription lapses, but if you’re someone who wants to play lots of new games right away and doesn’t usually play games after you complete them, this is a cost-effective method.

Save on Every Game Purchase

With these strategies, you can save money while still playing premium games. With a bit of patience and using the right services, it’s possible to get the games you want while almost never paying full-price.

Meanwhile, don’t forget that games still want you to spend money even after you get them. You should know how to spot the ways that games trick you into spending more money.

Source: makeuseof.com

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