How to Take a Screenshot on a OnePlus Phone

Have you got a shiny new OnePlus phone and you’re wondering how to take a screenshot on it? No worries, we’ll show how to do that using various built-in features on your phone.

Your OnePlus phone actually offers multiple ways to capture a screenshot. You can either use a key combination or draw a gesture on your screen to take a screenshot. Let’s get started.

Capture a Screenshot Using a Key Combination on OnePlus Phones

The easiest and most convenient way to take a screenshot on a OnePlus phone is to use a key combination. You basically need to press two physical keys on your device at the same time, and this will capture a screenshot on your phone.

Here’s how that works:

  1. Open the screen you want to take a snapshot of.
  2. Press both Volume Down and Power buttons at the same time.
  3. Your phone will capture a screenshot, and you’ll see the thumbnail of your screenshot in the lower-right corner of your phone’s screen.

Your screenshot is saved in the Gallery app on your phone.

Take a Screenshot Using a Gesture on OnePlus Phones

OnePlus phones come with the ability to perform actions using various gestures. There’s a gesture for taking screenshots as well, and that’s what you can use to take a snapshot of your screen without pressing any buttons.

Here’s how you do that on your phone:

  1. Open Settings and tap Buttons & gestures.
  2. Tap Quick gestures.
  3. Enable the Three-finger screenshot option.
  4. You can now capture a screenshot by swiping with three fingers on your phone’s screen.
Image Gallery (2 Images)

window[‘gallery_1’] = new Swiper(‘#swipper-1’, {
direction: ‘horizontal’,
spaceBetween: 20,
slidesPerView: 1,
centeredSlides: true,
preventClicks: false,
observer: true,
observeParents: true,
loop: false,
keyboard: {
enabled: true
// If we need pagination
pagination: {
el: ‘.swiper-pagination’,
navigation: {
nextEl: ‘.swiper-button-next’,
prevEl: ‘.swiper-button-prev’,

var images = document.getElementsByClassName(“gallery-1-images”);

for (var i = 0; i Take a Scrolling Screenshot on Your OnePlus Phone

A scrolling screenshot covers the scrolling part on your phone’s screen. For example, if you have long chats with someone and you want to take a screenshot of all of it, you can use the scrolling screenshots feature to take a really tall screenshot covering your entire chat.

Here’s how you access that option on your OnePlus device:

  1. Press the Volume Down and Power buttons to capture a regular screenshot.
  2. Tap Expanded Screenshot at the lower-right corner of your phone’s screen.
  3. Your phone will scroll your screen down and capture it. This will go on until you tap the blue bar at the top of your screen.
  4. Once you’ve captured your screenshot, you can then edit or save it.

Three Ways to Take a Screenshot

Screenshots let you freeze-up your screen and view that moment whenever you want in the future. If you have a OnePlus phone and you want to find quick ways to take a screenshot on it, this guide is all that you need.

Once you’ve captured a screenshot, you’ll want to edit or annotate it in some cases. There are both built-in as well as third-party apps to help you do that.


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