Want to Understand Financial Math? Buy This Bundle

Learning math is something that many adults wish they’d taken more seriously as a child.

While you might not need to perform on-the-fly quadratic equations very often, some aspects of math permeate every facet of our lives.

One example is financial math. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to work out if the interest rate on a mortgage is affordable or what rate of return you’ve been getting on your pension savings, you’re going to need some basic skills in the area to be able to get through life.

Sadly, many of us don’t have those basic skills; financial literacy is shockingly under-taught in schools.

If terms like “compound interest,” “yield,” “rate of return,” and “fixed income” mean nothing to you, then it might be worth buying this bundle of financial math courses.

We can offer the bundle to MakeUseOf readers for $35. Individually, the eight courses are worth more than $1,000.

Keep reading to learn more.

Which Math Courses Are Included?

Here’s a quick rundown of the eight courses that are available in today’s bundle:

1. Financial Mathematics: Concepts, Calculations, and Applications

This course teaches you everything you need to know as a financial math beginner. Topics include how to calculating prices, rates of return, and yields. It also covers different compounding conventions, the relationship between price and yield, and more.

2. Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics is the backbone of mathematics and computer science. The eight chapters of the course are Sets, Logic, Number Theory, Proofs, Functions, Relations, Graph Theory, Statistics, and Combinatorics.

3. Graph Theory

Understanding the properties and fundamentals of a graph is a skill that can translate into recognizing the way price moves in financial markets. This course has 66 lectures.

4. Number Theory

Number theory is the study of patterns, relationships, and properties of numbers. This course introduces concepts such as number bases, the theorem of arithmetic, Euclidean division theorem, factorials, prime numbers, and more.

5. Master Number Base Conversion

Different number bases use a different method for expressing the same thing. For example, computers use binary, which is base 2. We count in base 10. This course explains it all in more detail.

6. Pre Calculus Mastered

If you’re interested in studying calculus, you first need to understand all the concepts in this course. The 112 lectures cover topics such as logarithms and exponential functions, how to prove trigonometric equations, how to divide polynomials, and how to transform and combine functions.

7. Calculus 1 Mastered

Once you have completed the previous course, move onto this one. It explains limits, limit laws, derivatives, L’ Hôpital’s rule, sandwich theory, and more.

8. Mathematics for Data Science and Machine Learning Using R

Data Science is comprised of three central pillars that you need to understand: data, foundational concepts, and programming languages for interpreting the data. This course explains foundational mathematics for data science using the R programming language.

Improve Your Math Today

Make sure you buy the deal today to take full advantage of the discount. Click the link and add the bundle to your cart to get started.

Source: makeuseof.com

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