8 Tips for People Who Want to Be More Creative

Creativity isn’t something that you need to be born with to have. There isn’t such thing as being left-brained or right-brained, either.

Everyone is creative in some capacity. The most creative people you know have trained their minds to think outside the box, and with these tips, you can do the same.

1. Customize Your Workspace

Set up your surroundings in a way that encourages you to be the most creative. Naturally, this is different for everyone. Discover what your ideal work conditions are and put them into place.

Do you prefer to work in natural light? Move your desk next to a window. Think that wall is boring? Hang a painting you like. Can’t work in complete silence? Blast your favorite music or listen to a podcast.

After all, if you’re going to spend a lot of time working in one spot, you might as well arrange it in a way that makes you feel content. Research on the Cincinnati Business Courier suggests that your physical workspace has a significant impact on your well-being, productivity, and creativity.

Does your digital workspace need a bit more spiffing up too? Try these apps that use smart tables to manage your data.

2. Consume What You Want to Create

Musician and author Dodie Clark aptly wrote in her book, Secrets for the Mad, that “everyone is just a collage of their favorite parts of other people.” Surround yourself with the kind of creativity you want to have, and follow the social media accounts of people whose minds you’d kill to delve into.

By constantly consuming the same sort of stuff that you want to make, you’re subconsciously teaching your brain to think in a similar way. Do what you can to immerse yourself in things that inspire you.

3. Expose Yourself

If you find it difficult to think outside the box, the problem could very well be that you’re the one keeping yourself inside it. Do something new for a change of pace. Disrupt your habitual thought patterns on purpose.

Seeing and doing new things help spark new ideas. This could be as small as finishing your daily tasks out of their usual order, or as spontaneous as signing up for a class you never would have taken otherwise. Go out of your way to seek perspectives different from your own.

4. Embrace Boredom

Despite how counterproductive it may sound, a study on the Huffington Post shows that boredom could possibly propel you into creativity. It’s theorized that a bored mind searches for stimulation. When you’re bored, you feel disinterested and uncomfortable, which motivates you to look for something. This causes daydreaming—a chance to develop new ideas.

Instead of packing your daily routine with productivity, maybe do a bit of experimenting. Save a bit of time on your schedule to do nothing whatsoever. Let your mind wander. Who knows, you may finally get your “aha!” moment.

5. Know That Constraints Can Be Good for You

When you don’t have everything you think you need, you’re forced to make do. Perhaps you told yourself that you’ll be more creative “once you have all the time or resources” to do so.

A study from the University of Amsterdam showed that when people are faced with limitations, they tend to make connections between things they normally wouldn’t see. This is one of the key elements in creative thinking. Psychologists call it “global processing.”

6. Document Every Idea

No one’s first idea is their best one. The best ideas are usually a fusion of a bunch of other ideas that didn’t work on their own. And to get to that point, you need to have all those smaller, not-as-good ideas down first.

Sometimes, a bad idea isn’t actually bad. Artists tend to knock ideas before they try them, or judge their work before it’s finished. You might just need to refine it a little more, or sleep on it and come back to it when your mind is clearer. Either way, do your best to keep track of the entirety of your thought process.

Always have something on hand that you can use to jot down notes. Consider keeping a notebook in your everyday bag, or even just filling up your phone’s note-taking app.

Related: Unlocking Creativity: Simple Tips to Beat Mental Slumps

7. Practice Even When You Don’t Want To

One of the biggest mistakes that artists make is creating art only when they are inspired. Inspiration is powerful when it arrives, but it’s unpredictable. That’s exactly where the problem lies.

If you want to use your creativity to bolster your skill in painting, photo manipulation, photography, or any other creative venture, then you need to brainstorm ideas and practice your craft even when you don’t feel like it. You shouldn’t rely on inspiration, as it isn’t a consistent thing. Make creativity a habit.

Think of creativity like a muscle. If you train it every day, it will get stronger. If you don’t train it enough or at all, then it will fail on you when you need it.

8. Take Regular Breaks

Edward de Bono was a physician and inventor that some people credit for having coined the “creative pause.” It’s about as simple as it sounds: place intentional pauses in your workflow. Whenever you’ve been thinking or working for a while, stop for a bit and take a breather.

So what does this do? It helps you avoid getting too wrapped up in whatever you’re working on, becoming oblivious to the possibilities right in front of you. It’s a way to become a bit more mindful of situations you find yourself in.

Creativity is not linear. Typically, it’s a very messy process, which makes it all the more important for you to give yourself moments to relax.

Are you the type to unknowingly zone in on something? Try using a Pomodoro timer to let you know when you should pause and when to resume. Check out our list of the best Pomodoro timer apps to get started.

To Be Creative Is to Be Intentional

Some people believe that you’re either creative or you aren’t. That isn’t true. Anyone can be creative, it simply comes more naturally to some than it does to others—which is totally okay. If you dedicate the time to becoming more creative, then one day you will be.

Source: makeuseof.com

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