How to Fix the Driver Power State Failure in Windows 10

The Driver Power State Failure is a rare blue screen error that happens when a driver goes into sleep mode while you’re working. The BSOD often pops up when the computer is exiting hibernation, and Windows is unable to wake up the device driver at all, or the driver takes too long to respond.

The error can be resolved by simple tweaks to the power settings, but some users may have to delve deeper to eliminate the issue. Here are six ways to fix the Driver Power State Failure error on Windows 10.

1. Change Your Power and Power Plan Settings

The first step users should take to diagnose this error is to change their device’s power settings. Here’s how you change your Windows 10 power settings.

Change Power Settings

  1. In the Start menu search bar, type Control Panel and open it.
  2. Look for Power Options click on it.
  3. In the window that opens, click on the option that reads Choose what the power button does.
  4. Click on Change settings that are currently unavailable. You’ll need administrator privileges to do so.
  5. Uncheck the Turn on fast startup, Sleep, and Hibernate options.
  6. Click on Save changes and exit.

Change Power Plan Settings

  1. Open Control Panel and click on Power Options.
  2. Locate the currently selected power plan and click on Change plan settings.
  3. Then click on Change advanced power settings.
  4. Expand the Sleep section and make sure all settings are set to Never.
  5. Navigate to Wireless Adapter Settings and PCI Express. Expand and set all options to Never.

Related: How Power Outages Can Damage Your Computer(And How to Protect It)

2. Update Your Display and Network Drivers

The most common reason for the Driver Power State Failure BSOD is a faulty Network or Display driver. That’s why it’s best to ensure that both these drivers are updated and running smoothly.

Sometimes, newer updates may cause system instability as well. In such cases, users will have to roll back these updates. Updating display drivers may also resolve screen flickering and flashing issues.

How to Update the Network and Display Drivers

  1. Press Windows Key + R and type in devmgmt.msc. The Device Manager window will open.
  2. Look for Display adapters and expand the menu.
  3. Right-click on the drivers and click on Update driver.
  4. Click on Search automatically for updated driver software. Windows will automatically download and install the latest drivers.
  5. Do the same for Network adapters.

How to Roll Back to Previous Versions of the Network and Display Drivers

  1. Open Device Manager and expand the Display adapters option.
  2. Right-click on the driver and select Properties.
  3. Navigate to the Driver tab in the Properties menu.
  4. Click on Roll Back Driver, and Windows will restore a previous version of the driver.
  5. Follow the same steps for Network adapters.

3. Repair Corrupt System Files Using SFC and DISM

SFC and DISM are two of the most effective in-built Windows tools that can be used to fix a wide variety of system errors. In the case of a blue screen of death error, combining these two can prove useful in eliminating the error.

Related: What Is The Difference Between CHKDSK, SFC, and DISM in Windows 10?

Users should note that it’s vital to create a system restore point before attempting this fix.

How to Use DISM

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /scanhealth and wait for the process to complete.
  3. After completion, type in DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth.
  4. Wait till the process is complete.

How to Use SFC

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. In the console, type in sfc /scannow.
  3. Windows will automatically look for any corrupt files and repair them.

4. Restore Your Computer to a Previous State

When you’ve exhausted all other options, it’s best to restore your computer to a previous state. Sometimes, newly installed software makes changes that could cause the error. Windows usually creates a system restore point automatically before new programs are installed, and now is the best time to make use of this feature.

To use System Restore, follow these steps:

  1. Press Windows Key + R and type in rstrui.exe.
  2. In the System Restore window, click on Next and select a Restore Point from the list.
  3. Click on Finish, following which the device will boot into the selected state.

5. Update the BIOS

In the continuous onslaught of software, driver, and Windows updates, the BIOS is usually left out. It can mostly be attributed to the fact that it has to be done manually.

When dealing with the Driver Power State Failure, users should make sure that their BIOS is updated to the latest version. As explained here, the BIOS is an important part of your computer, so be sure to exercise the utmost caution while making any changes to it.

How to Check and Update the BIOS

  1. Type in System Configuration in the Start menu search bar.
  2. In the window, look for BIOS Version/Date and note down the version.
  3. Following this, visit your motherboard manufacturer’s website and look for the latest version of the BIOS in the downloads section.
  4. Download and run the installation file.

Before installation, you will get an option to backup the current version of your BIOS. Make sure to select the option in case things go south.

6. Disable Antivirus and Windows Defender

Antivirus software can sometimes remove or interfere with essential Windows files. This can also happen while updating drivers as sometimes the software falsely flags some files in the installation package.

It’s fairly easy to disable your antivirus software temporarily. Just right-click on your antivirus’ icon in the System Tray and click on disable protection. This is usually the way to go for most antivirus software, but it may differ across other antiviruses.

To disable Windows Defender, do the following:

  1. Search for Windows Security in the Start menu search bar and select the first result.
  2. In the dashboard, click on Virus & threat protection.
  3. Click on Manage Settings and disable Real-time protection.

Please note that you should only disable your antivirus temporarily. If disabling your antivirus stops the Driver Power State Failure error, you should consider changing your antivirus software for an alternative.

Driver Power State Failure: Solved

A BSOD is never a welcome sight, but they’re usually easily fixable.

In the case of Driver Power State Failure, a simple driver update usually fixes the problem. But if it doesn’t, then users can always resort to the advanced fixes listed above.


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