How to Take Advantage of How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2021

Instagram’s algorithm is difficult to pin down, but the social media platform has shared some insight into how it works in 2021. What used to work might not be the case now, and if you don’t adapt, your profile might suffer.

Understanding how the platform rewards users is essential for making tweaks to your strategy and ensuring long-term success. Here’s how the Instagram algorithm works in 2021 and what you can do to make sure your posts continue to reach audiences…

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

At its core, the Instagram algorithm works similarly to how it has in the past. Here is a breakdown of the three most important factors to consider when building an Instagram audience.


On your Instagram account, there will be times when your followers are more and less frequently online.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer; if your audience is based mostly in Singapore, for example, your optimal times will be different to someone with a mainly Mexican following.

In part, your posts’ visibility will depend on when your followers are most often on the platform.


Have you ever taken a break from Instagram, signed in, and the first post you see is something from three days ago? That’s because how often you open the app plays a vital role in what you see first.

If your followers spend more time on the app, the chances are that their feed will look more chronological. But when users spend less time on Instagram, the platform will first show them the most relevant posts.

Which ties in with…


Instagram’s algorithm pays attention to the kinds of content you engage with the most. The app considers not only posts you like but also those you comment on.

Each time you sign in, you will see more of the posts you frequently engage with and less of those you don’t.

Does It Matter If I Have a Personal or Business Account?

When it comes to each post’s visibility, having a business or creator account will not give you an upper hand over a personal one in terms of the algorithm.

But if you’re looking to take Instagram more seriously, switching to a business account might still be a good idea.

With an Instagram business or creator account, you can access insights that aren’t available to personal accounts. For example, you can see when your audience is most often online and how many users have visited your profile.

To access your insights with an Instagram business account, go to your profile and select View Professional Dashboard.

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for (var i = 0; i How to Make the Most of the Instagram Algorithm

So, now you know a little about how Instagram determines your post’s popularity in 2021. The next most important question is: how do you make the most of the algorithm and get it to work for you instead of against you?

Here are five ways you can boost your profile’s visibility and engagement on the platform…

Keep Your Followers on the App for Longer

If you’ve ever wondered why Instagram was designed to be so addictive, the simple answer is that the platform makes money the longer you’re on the app. But beyond that, keeping users on Instagram for longer also improves your chances of being seen.

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Instagram shows users more of the content they engage with the most. With that in mind, posting a five-photo carousel will boost your visibility better than a single image.

Beyond picture carousels, there are plenty of other ways you can keep users engaged for longer. Posting Reels, Stories, and videos will improve your engagement and help to get more eyes on your content.

Engage With Your Followers

It’s all too easy to forget social media’s social aspect, but engaging with your followers is essential for growing an audience.

When determining which posts should be shown to who, Instagram considers the relationship you have with other users. If you like and comment on another person’s posts regularly, and they do likewise, you will be considered important to them. In return, you will feature higher up on their feeds.

You don’t need to spend all day on the platform. However, it’s a good idea to set aside 15 to 20 minutes to reply to others and engage with their content.

Post Regularly

Though Instagram doesn’t directly favor accounts that post more frequently, your activity does have an indirect impact on your visibility.

Unless you’re already well-established in your niche, your followers will probably forget about you if you leave weeks or months in between posting.

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Posting often will keep you in the mind of others and could also improve your chances of others discovering you. But beware—being too active online might annoy your followers and cause them to either mute or unfollow you.

To plan your content, consider looking at apps that let you schedule Instagram posts.

Make Your Feed Look More Interesting

Every time a user clicks on your profile, they will decide whether they want to stick around in a matter of seconds. The best way to grab their attention is by putting together an eye-catching feed.

To create a more interesting feed, stick to a few core colors and include them in your pictures. You can also create different themes if you want.

Provide Genuine Value

Don’t get sucked into the hole of posting four to five times per week because you feel like you have to. When you force your content, your followers will notice a decrease in quality.

Instead of posting for the sake of it, think about what would provide genuine value to your audience. Ask yourself: how can you relate to them, and what problems can you solve?

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By providing genuine value to your audience and maintaining an authentic voice, you’ll build better long-term relationships.

Cooperate With the Instagram Algorithm Instead of Trying to Beat It

It might seem like the Instagram algorithm is working against you, but the reality is different. Both you and Instagram are looking to provide the best possible experience for your audience.

Instead of fighting against algorithmic changes, view them as an opportunity to provide better value for your audience. They will thank you in the long term and repay you with their loyalty and engagement.


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