Rumor: Nintendo Is About to Announce the New Nintendo Switch Pro

Once again the rumor mill surrounding Nintendo’s intentions with the next Switch console, colloquially referred to as the Switch Pro, is busy producing whispers. The latest being a reported imminent announcement from Nintendo…

Nintendo May Announce the Switch Pro in June

If you’re experiencing Nintendo Pro fever, then we suggest taking a lie down as a Bloomberg report has stated Nintendo will reveal its upgrade to the Switch, the Switch Pro, prior to June’s E3 conference.

As with prior Bloomberg reports relating to the Switch Pro, these rumors come from anonymous sources—”people familiar with the matter” is the line Bloomberg is taking with these reports—so take them with a pinch of salt.

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According to Bloomberg’s sources, the console’s price is going to exceed that of the current Switch, which carries a price tag of $299. Also included in the report is a suggestion that production is starting as early as July, which should allow Nintendo to ship the new device in time for the holiday season, launching in September.

Could Anything Delay Production of the Switch Pro?

Well, of course it could. We already know that there is a worldwide semiconductor crisis in full effect. This has hindered production of pretty much every console currently available, including the Nintendo Switch. So we could see delays because of this component shortage.

Plus, don’t forget, this is an unconfirmed rumor from anonymous sources. So Nintendo might not actually be planning any of the above. However, we’re almost certain that we’ll see a new Switch before 2021 is out.

Nintendo should aim to keep up with its peers if it wants to keep its “best-selling console” accolade that it has held for two-and-a-half years now. So, really, it needs to get the upgraded Switch out and get 4K gameplay into the hands of its fans.

What Will Happen to the Original Switch?

While Nintendo will continue to support the original Switch, it is also reportedly going to phase out the manufacturing of the console in favor of the Pro model. This will then sell alongside the existing Switch Lite (which we are tipping for a 2023 Pro release, you heard it here first).

Don’t worry, though, you’ll still be able to use your OG Switch and buy games for it, you probably just won’t be able to buy Switch Pro versions of the games. Whether the Switch Pro offers backwards compatibility is another matter entirely, though.

Will You be Buying a Switch Pro?

Probably not, if scalpers have anything to do with it. But in all seriousness, bringing 4K output to the Switch will be a real boon, especially given that Xbox and PlayStation 5 run it natively.

So, with that in mind, if you’re a Switch fan, then you probably are going to be champing at the bit ready for the new console. Good job there’s plenty of Switch games and apps to keep you busy in the meantime!


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