Is Your Desktop Cluttered? What That Says About Your Personality

Could you see your desktop behind all the files, folders, and applications? Or is your desktop neat and tidy? You can tell a lot about your personality by how you organize your workspace.

It can also tell you about your work style and even suggest ways to increase productivity! Let’s take a look at what your desktop type says about you.

The Cluttered Desktop Personality

Messy desktops are more common among some groups than others. For example, men are 13 percent more likely than other genders to have a cluttered desktop. People with crowded desktops also tend to live in large cities.

They’re also more likely to have post-secondary education than people with neat desktops. A recent study by, reported on by ZME Science, showed all this.

Personality and Work Style

The clutter level also hints at your style and personality. Messy or chaotic workspaces are common among more creative people. Creativity makes you more comfortable with breaking patterns and embracing surprises. So it’s no shocker that creatives are more comfortable with a busy desktop.

The work style of a cluttered desktop person is also different. This chaotic workspace lends itself to multitasking. Rather than focus on one project at a time, you might prefer to rotate between several different tasks. Additionally, you probably get more energy when there’s more stuff to interact with for your senses.

The Neat Desktop Personality

People who keep their desktops neat tend to have junior roles in their workplaces. They also tend to live in more rural areas than cluttered desktop types. Also, women are more likely to keep their desktops clear than other genders.

Personality and Work Style

Neat desktops sometimes show a sense of nervousness. It might mean you aren’t comfortable enough at work to make that virtual workspace your own yet. This is okay for a new job, but you should try to broaden your horizons a bit if you have been at your current job for a long time.

It’s also common among people who prefer a minimalist space. If you are introverted, you feel more energized in calm, low-stimulus spaces. Likewise, neat desktops appeal to introverted people, as they’re less tiring to navigate and look at.

Related: How to Clean Up Your Windows Desktop Once and For All

Organized people tend to prefer their desktops neat and clear. If you like your desktop clean, it can show respect for rules and order. You likely work well in roles where there’s a clear system to follow. Lastly, your organizational skills help you achieve consistency in your work.

Why Does This Matter?

Your desktop personality type can help identify strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your strengths can help you capitalize on them, maximizing your productivity. By playing to your strengths, you can progress toward your goals. Knowing more about your weaknesses can help you overcome them.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Cluttered Desktop Style

This creative but chaotic style can mean that you work in bursts of energy. Once you get going, you get a lot done! The creativity this style suggests is also an asset. It helps you to innovate, which is a useful skill in any position. On the other hand, you might struggle with rigid rules and tight schedules if you’re a messy desktop type.

You can counteract this by using planning tools. Bullet journaling is a great way to organize your work without giving up your creative spin. You could also try using Pomodoro timers to make your attention is divided evenly.

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Lastly, try to make sure your environment isn’t too cluttered. Desktop tools like widgets can be helpful, but don’t use so many that it’s difficult to find the things you need. You want a balance between “so barren that I can’t stay awake” and “so full of stuff that I can’t stay focused.” It may take practice to find it, so experiment!

Strengths and Weaknesses of a Neat Desktop

The neat desktop is known for its strengths. It’s associated with organization skills, which show a reliable and diligent work ethic. It is also more common among people who prioritize their personal lives over their careers. This can help you avoid burnout and maintain healthy social relationships.

As for obstacles, people with neat desktops can be a little too invested in rules and structure. You may have a hard time working when the conditions are unclear, or struggle to take initiative. Regularly practicing creative hobbies can help with both of these things.

Related: Tips for People Who Want to Be More Creative

What’s the Best Kind of Desktop to Have?

Well, it’s both! A touch of chaos and creativity can inject new innovative life into your work. But you don’t want to be so disorganized that you miss deadlines. On the other hand, you shouldn’t get so attached to your organization that you forget how to innovate.

It’s fine to tune your desktop more to one than the other, but you shouldn’t abandon either side entirely.


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