Pop!_OS 21.04 Released With COSMIC Desktop: Learn What’s New

Pop!_OS is a modern-day take on Ubuntu by System76, an American company that specializes in building Linux-based notebooks and servers. It provides a clean and concise desktop experience for professionals working in the STEM field.

Some of Pop!_OS’s biggest features include native support for AMD and Nvidia GPUs, out-of-the-box encryption support, and a highly customizable workspace.

The latest version of Pop!_OS just hit the market and offers some exciting new features, including a fresh take on the GNOME environment called COSMIC. It also adds support for an intuitive dock as well as tiling window managers.

What’s New in Pop!_OS 21.04?

Most of the work done by System76 developers for this iteration of Pop!_OS revolves around enhancing the user experience. The new COSMIC (Computer Operating System Main Interface Components) environment allows users the freedom needed to control their workflow as intended.

COSMIC separates the Activities section into two different views, Workspaces and Applications. Users can shift and remove either or both of these views from the top bar.

Users can also configure the dock options during the initial setup. The dock itself is quite robust and offers all sorts of adjustments—except for transparency. Now, in terms of keyboard shortcuts, the Super key is a much-appreciated addition in Pop!_OS 21.04.

You can use it for launching programs, opening specific settings, making web searches, running Linux commands in the background, etc. The super key also allows users to launch apps using dedicated graphics units.

Pop!_OS 21.04 also adds support for useful trackpad gestures. You can open the Applications view by swiping four fingers across the right side of your trackpad. Swipe left to open the Workspaces view and up or down for switching between Workspaces.

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Additional Features in Pop!_OS 21.04

The latest version of Pop!_OS brings significant improvements on the workflow front. Apart from the new COSMIC desktop, users also get to use a dedicated recovery partition, the ability to make minimize or maximize buttons optional, and support for tiling file managers.

Additionally, distros like Pop!_OS and Zorin tweak the standard Ubuntu desktop for catering to specific workflow requirements. These make them great alternatives to popular Linux distros like Ubuntu.

Source: makeuseof.com

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