How to Change Your Ubisoft Account Name

Having the right username can be a tricky process, and you may not get it right the first time. Maybe you’ve changed your mind, or it’s been a couple of years and you fancy a change to the name you go by.

Either way, if you’re looking to change your Ubisoft account name then you can do so with these simple steps.

What Is a Ubisoft Account?

You can use a Ubisoft account to access in-game rewards across all Ubisoft titles. It allows you to access the following Ubisoft services:

  • Ubisoft Club; their loyalty program which rewards you the more and longer you play on Ubisoft games.
  • Uplay; their desktop app.
  • Ubisoft Connect; the social economy service that features challenges, leaderboards, etc that connect you to other Ubisoft game players.

In short: if you play a lot of Ubisoft game titles, or you want to benefit from their in-game rewards on a particular Ubisoft game (such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla) then having a Ubisoft account is a smart move.

How to Change Your Ubisoft Account Name

Changing your Ubisoft account name is really simple and fortunately, there aren’t many restrictions. You will be able to change your Ubisoft account name every 30 days, and once you change it’ll also give you a Legacy Username that only you can see, which is the username you signed up with. To change your Ubisoft account name, simply follow these steps:

  1. Head to your Ubisoft account webpage.
  2. Click on Account Information.
  3. Click the Pen icon next to your account’s username.
  4. Type in your new desired username.
  5. Click Change.

You should now have your new desired Ubisoft account name.

Your New Ubisoft Name

Having a name that you’re happy to have other gamers see is worthwhile, especially as Ubisoft has many social features that connect Ubisoft gamers together across all of the available gaming systems and titles.


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