How to Delete Blurry Photos and Old Screenshots in Google Photos

If you have been using Google Photos for a long time, you must have accumulated a lot of blurry photos and screenshots that are no longer relevant. You should always keep your Google Photos library organized and tidy, and so it is recommended that you delete blurry photos and screenshots from time to time.

As a bonus, deleting such photos and screenshots will also free up precious storage space in your Google account. So, if you are running out of storage space on your Google account, deleting old blurry photos and screenshots is a smart thing to do.

Deleting Blurry Photos From Google Photos Is Easier Than You Think

Thankfully, you don’t need to manually scroll through your entire Google Photos library to find blurry photos and screenshots. There’s a tool in Google Photos that does all the hard work for you. It will even display the amount of storage space you can free up by deleting all the blurry photos and screenshots that you no longer need.

Check out these tips to free up storage space in your Google Photos account if you are running out of space.

You can delete blurry photos and old screenshots from Google Photos from your phone or PC.

Google Photos already offers an option to archive screenshots and old photos, but that’s different from deleting them. Archiving will only remove them from your photos library, but the blurry photos and screenshots will continue to take up space in your Google account.

How to Delete Blurry Photos in Google Photos From Your Phone

  1. Open the Google Photos app on your iPhone or Android device. Tap on your profile photo located on the top-right corner followed by Account storage.
  2. You will now get an overview of the storage left in your Google account, an estimate of how long it will last depending on your usage, and a Review and delete section.
  3. Under this section, you will see the Blurry photos option along with the storage space occupied by them.
  4. Click on Blurry photos, and Google Photos will display all the images in your library it thinks are blurred.
  5. Proceed to select the blurry photos that you’d like to delete.
  6. Once you have selected all the photos you want to delete, tap the trash icon located in the top-right corner. Confirm your selection by tapping on Move to bin again from the dialog box that pops up.
Image Gallery (3 Images)

Related: How to Permanently Delete Google Photos

How to Delete Old Screenshots in Google Photos From Your Phone

  1. Open the Google Photos app on your iPhone or Android. Tap on your profile photo located on the top-right corner followed by Account storage.
  2. From under the Review and delete section, tap on Screenshots.
  3. Select the screenshots that you want to delete. If you want to delete all screenshots, simply tap on Select located on the top-right corner followed by Select all.
  4. After selecting all the photos you want to delete, tap the trash icon located in the top-right corner. Confirm your selection by tapping on Move to bin again from the dialog box that pops up.

Google Photos will also offer you an option to download all blurry photos and screenshots if you want to download them for offline backup before deleting them from your photos library.

How to Delete Blurry Photos and Old Screenshots in Google Photos from Your PC

  1. Navigate to the Google Photos website on your PC. Click on the Settings icon located on the top-right corner near your profile photo.
  2. From the Settings page that opens, click on Manage storage.
  3. An overview of how you have used your Google account storage and how long it will last will now be shown. You will also see a Review and delete section where you can see the space occupied by Blurry photos and Screenshots in your Google account.
  4. Click on Blurry photos or Screenshots depending on your preference. Proceed to select the blurry photos and screenshots that you want to delete.
  5. If you want to delete all blurry photos or screenshots, simply select one item. The Select all option will then show up in the top-right corner. Click on it to select all the blurry photos or screenshots.
  6. From the top-right corner, click the Move to bin option. Confirm your selection by clicking Move to bin again in the pop-up box.

Keep Your Google Photos Library Tidy

If you back up all the photos and videos that you take to Google Photos, I’ll strongly recommend you to keep deleting all old screenshots and blurry photos from time to time. This will not only help keep your photo library tidy but also free up storage space in your Google account.


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